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Upcoming Events

         Wednesday, Sep 1 at 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM

          Tuesday, Feb 1 at 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM

          Thursday, Sep 1 at 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM

          Wednesday, Feb 1 at 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Board of Directors

President: Michael McNerney Physical Security Manager, Portland State University, 

Vice-President: Stan Niccolls, Director of Security, College of Western Idaho,

Immediate Past-President: Sean O'Laughlin, Deputy Chief, Eastern Washington University,

Treasurer: Ben Mosley, Director, Department of Campus Safety, The College of Idaho,

Secretary: Sharon Schnebly, Director of Public Safety, St. Martin's University,

British Columbia Representative: Vacant

Idaho Representative: Aaron Dillenbeck, Senior Security Officer Supervisor, Boise State University,

Oregon Representative: Vacant

Washington Representative: Vacant

Member at Large: Ashley Hull, Director of Public Safety, Lewis-Clark State College,


To view the By-Laws of the Western Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators click here

Non-Profit Information

Certificate of Incorporation

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