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About WACLEA Membership

The Western Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators is dedicated to promoting professional ideals and standards in the administration of campus security and law enforcement. Our purpose..."to promote the common interest in private and public education concerning the administration of law enforcement and security programs including all operation and development of life and property safety programs on college and university campuses. Membership in the Association is open to administrators of public and private college and university security and police agencies in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska, Montana, and British Columbia - as well as their staff, criminal justice faculty, municipal chiefs of police, and companies and individuals who serve and support campus law enforcement.

Benefits of Membership

Annual Conferences, Management and Staff Training, Shared Association Resources, Professional Networking with Peers 

WACLEA Membership Forms

Types of Membership

Full Membership:

An individual who coordinates or administers the law enforcement or security programs for a university or college system is eligible for full membership. This individual shall be the institutional representative to WACLEA.

Associate Membership: An employee of a member institution with interest or concerns directly related to life and property or safety issues on campus upon certification by a full member of the Association shall be eligible for Associate Membership.

Affiliate Membership:

Institutions of Higher Education which do not provide for their own security programs, and those that do not qualify under full membership, such as teaching hospitals that do not have their own in-house security administrative organization, and senior members of external law enforcement agencies including municipal, state, county, regional, and federal agencies shall be eligible for affiliate memberships.

Emeritus Membership:

A person who, upon retirement, is a member of WACLEA in good standing shall be eligible for Emeritus Membership

Supporting Membership:

A person who, by reason of vocation, profession, business or civic interest, shares in the concerns and objectives of the Association and desires to demonstrate such support shall be eligible for Supporting membership.

Membership Costs:

Full Membership - $100.00 annually

Associate Membership - $80.00 annually

Affiliate Membership - $60.00 annually

Emeritus Membership - $20 annually

Supporting Membership - $400.00 annually

Pay your membership fees here: Dues & Fees

Note: You may also mail in your payment with your application, or mail your application while using Paypal to pay online.

Newest Members

Upcoming Events

         Wednesday, Sep 1 at 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM

          Tuesday, Feb 1 at 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM

          Thursday, Sep 1 at 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM

          Wednesday, Feb 1 at 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM

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