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Robert G. Peterson Memorial Scholarship

Information and Most Recent Recipients

Victor Wong, Simon Fraser University

Colton Cervantes, Lewis-Clark State College

Congratulations to both!

The Western Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators has established a scholarship in memory of Robert G. "Pete" Peterson. Chief Peterson served as Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police at Western Washington University from 1968 until his death in 1989. He was co-founder and charter member of the Washington Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators, now known as the Western Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators. Chief Peterson held several offices in the Association, serving as Treasurer for several years prior to his death.

The Association offers two scholarships annually. The award is in the form of a check for $500.00 payable to the college or university in which the recipient is enrolled and may be used for any purpose. Its intent is to help defray some of the costs of attending the college.

Eligibility for this scholarship is open to any student enrolled at a WACLEA-member college or university at the time of application. Financial need is not a criteria for eligibility.

Information about this scholarship will be made available on the WACLEA website and through the safety/security and police offices at member institutions. Member institutions participate in this program by providing campus and local newspapers with a press release and by letting students know about the award and how to obtain an application.

Applications must be submitted by December 1st for awards to be made in January. These are usually announced during our annual Conference. The scholarship applications will be forwarded to the Scholarship Committee after December 1st for final determination of a recipient.

The application asks for personal information, including history of academic achievement, student activities, and community involvement as well as a statement of personal goals. A short essay is required.

Scholarship applications should be submitted in electronic format as an e-mail attachment to prior to December 1st. The form must be saved in order to complete it. Please save the form in the following format: Your Name WACLEA Scholarship Form 2020. Questions may be submitted via email to:

Good luck!

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